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The Mortgage Banking Association of Nigeria (MBAN) is the representative body for mortgage banks licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Established in 1992, MBAN is a self-regulatory organization dedicated to promoting the growth and development of the mortgage banking, and housing finance sub-sectors in Nigeria. Its core mission is to champion affordable housing and enhance access to mortgage finance, thereby facilitating homeownership. To achieve this, MBAN focuses on advocacy, member development, capacity building, and serving as a central resource hub for the industry. By doing so, MBAN aims to create an enabling environment for affordable housing and sustainable homeownership finance in Nigeria. The association is dedicated to creating a legal, regulatory, and operational landscape that supports extensive access to mortgage financing. It also aims to advance professionalism, promote innovation, and facilitate affordable housing solutions nationwide. Its mission is to empower its members while working towards a supportive environment for mortgage finance accessibility. MBAN’s operations are guided by values such as integrity, collaboration, professional excellence, innovation, affordability, and dedication. Its vision is to lead the mortgage banking industry towards a sustainable and inclusive housing finance system, striving to enable affordable homeownership for all Nigerians.

Scope of Permissible Activities for Mortgage Banks as contained in the Guidelines issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria

  • Mortgage finance
  • Real estate construction finance within the permitted limits
  • Acceptance of savings and time/term deposits
  • Acceptance of mortgage-focused demand deposits
  • Drawing from mortgage funds (e.g. National Housing Fund Facility) for on-lending
  • Financial advisory service for mortgage customers
  • Other activities the CBN may approve from time to time


Membership Drive & Development

MBAN has strived to ensure it bears continued relevance to its three (3) Broad Categories of Membership as listed below:

  • Mortgage Banks
  • Professional Mortgage Brokers
  • Individual Employees in the Sector


Taking into account the needs and concerns of Members, we strive to foster an effective and competitive market place by promoting the legal, regulatory and legislative environments in which the businesses of mortgage banking service providers would prosper. We engage in advocacy with governments, regulatory/supervisory bodies, foreign investors, institutions and individuals towards ensuring that the interests of our Members are adequately represented in the articulation of all policy issues relating to Mortgage Banking/ Housing Finance that would propel home-ownership via provision of affordable housing in Nigeria.

Human Capacity Building

MBAN is committed to promoting professional excellence through our array of training, professional certification programmes and events. Through carefully designed Individual, Corporate and Sector-wide interventions, we also provide guidance to our Members for increased profitability and business growth.

Industry Research

We provide our Members, Governments/its Agencies, Investors and other Stakeholders with accurate and up to date news and information about home ownership financing and delivery in Nigeria. We also offer guidance and inputs for policy formulation, investment decisions and durable research on the Sector.

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